Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Welcome to IBDs Holistic & Natural Management! Please Read it Fully!

    • Home Remedies with Ayurvedic Treatment - Principles - ENG + HIN

    • Home Remedies with Ayurvedic Treatment - Best Practice - Part 2

    • Viamin C Rich Indian Fruits to Boost Immunity Hindi Video with Visual Content

    • 12 Fruits Rich in Vitamin C to Boost Immunity, To Check Bleeding...

    • What is the Most Pressing Problem or challenge for relation with Diet?

    • Food and Nutrition - 5 Steps / Processes to Consider

    • Try to Avoid this Triggering Factor! It is Avoidable & Cause Flare Up!

    • 11 Golden Rules for Taking Home Remedies!

    • Common but Mostly Overlooked IBD Trigger or Flare Up Factor!

  2. 2
    • How to Maintain Food Journal - 2 Versions - Download Word and PDF

    • Another Food Journal or Food Chart or Seasonal Food Chart - Word & PDF

    • How to Enter Remarks of IBD Key Indicators in 1 Minute or Less

    • Download Food Chart Files...